Health insurance for ADESLAS Collectives and Associations - Adeslasspain

Health insurance for ADESLAS Collectives and Associations

Private medical insurance for associations and collectives of the Adeslas company offer maximum first-rate healthcare coverage for the collectives of a group or association, with more affordable prices.

Collectives and associations that wish to be covered by first-rate medical care have the medical insurance plans for Adeslas collectives available to them. Adeslas adapts to the needs of each insured party and offers special plans for collectives and associations, with significant financial advantages.

This insurance plan offers comprehensive coverage, in terms of inpatient and outpatient care: medical emergencies, specialist consultations, diagnostic tests, second national and international medical opinions, treatment, surgical interventions and hospitalisation, among others.

With medical insurance for Adeslas collectives, you have more extensive health coverage and more affordable premiums. All of this with the best medical team in Spain.

Advantages of iSalud Adeslas insurance for collectives or associations.

Associations or collectives that wish to take out private health insurance with Adeslas must choose from the wide range of medical insurance plans offered by insurance companies.

There are plans with or without co-payment and, generally, medical insurance for Adeslas collectives and associations has special prices.

Members of the collective or association can enjoy the benefits of first-rate private healthcare at affordable prices.

This type of policy is highly valued by members who form part of the collective or association, and at iSalud we offer you the best options.

Adeslas is the leading company in medical healthcare on a national level, with the best medical team in Spain.

They offer the same healthcare guarantees as private policies, such as appointments with specialists, diagnostic tests, emergencies or surgical interventions, among others.

In order to draw up an ADESLAS health insurance quote for your business collective, we need you to complete the following details:

Information about the company

Policy information

Type of collective

Details of the contact person

*Required fields